

CETRAD offers short-term training courses and provides a platform for academic training programmes from collaborating local and foreign universities and other related research institutions. The short-term courses are designed to impart technical skills and provide field based and practical exposure to the target trainees, normally drawn from government and NGO institutions in the relevant fields. The academic training is offered through scholarship at Masters, PhD and Post Doc levels implemented in our local Universities. All courses are taught in English.

Eligibility for all courses

All the courses are open for graduates with the relevant training background to each particular course. Practicing government officers, newly employed graduates, NGO staff and anybody working in the development sector is encouraged to apply.

Currently, the following short courses are on offer:

EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit

Course Objectives
              • To develop EIA/EA capacity for local institutions
              • To impart skills and technical knowledge on the integration of environment, culture and legislations
              • To expose the trainees on the policy and legislative requirements for environmental management and development practices
              • To train the participants on the methodologies, tools, and processes for conducting EIA/EA
              • To expose trainees to field study sites to appreciate the essence of EIA/EA
              • To qualify for NEMA registration as lead or associate expert one must be a holder of a degree from a recognized university

Course Duration and Fees

The course takes three -3 full weeks and is offered in March, April & August every year. sixty five thousand shillings (KShs. 65,000 per week and is negotiable), excluding transport, meals and accommodation.

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FSDM: Food Security and Drought Management Course

Course Objectives
              1. To impart practical knowledge and enhance general understanding about
              1. The nature of rural livelihoods and the causes of their insecurity in the ASALs of Kenya
              1. The food security situation in the ASALs Drought occurrences
              1. Drought-related disasters and their effects on people’s livelihoods and general development.
              1. To impart technical skills and practical methods to assess food security and drought situations in the ASALs.
              1. To create a clear understanding and enhance the appreciation of the link and relevance of the existing policy framework to food security and drought.
              1. To review and assess the effectiveness of the existing strategies and intervention programs to cope with food insecurity/ shortages and mitigate the effects of drought-related disasters.

Course Duration and Fees

The course takes three - 3 full weeks and is offered in March, April & August every year. The tuition fee is sixty thousand shillings (KShs. 60,000 per week and is negotiable), excluding transport, meals and accommodation.

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GIS: Geographic Information System

Course Objectives
  • The objective of the course is to enable participants acquire a sound theoretical and practical basis in the use of the most common GIS operations. The Course emphasizes on unequivocal definition of quality standards and the broadening of each participant’s palette of concrete implementation possibilities.

    To qualify one MUST be computer literate with experience in current windows OS and preferably working in the field of data and information processing. Note 90 % of time is spend working and executing a GIS software on a desktop computer.

Course Duration and Fees

The course takes three - 3 full weeks and is offered in March, April & August every year. The tuition fee is seventy thousand shillings (KShs. 70,000 per week and is negotiable), excluding transport, meals and accommodation.

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IWR: Integrated Water Resources Management

Course Objectives
    • To build capacity on IWRM for local and international institutions.
    • To introduce learners to the concepts of IWRM
    • To equip learners with knowledge on principles, processes and steps of IWRM
    • To establish the linkage between IWRM and Sustainable development
Course Duration and Fees

The course takes two - 2 full weeks and is offered in March, April & August every year. sixty thousand shillings (KShs. 60,000 per week and is negotiable), excluding transport, meals and accommodation.

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PGIS: Participatory Geographic Information System

Course Objectives
  • This short course is designed to give trainees a comprehensive understanding of Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS). Participants will explore key PGIS concepts, delve into various methods and approaches used in the field, and gain hands-on experience with essential PGIS tools. The course will also cover the PGIS process in detail, highlighting its numerous benefits and applications and also discuss any limitations of PGIS. By the end of the course, trainees will be well-equipped to apply PGIS techniques effectively in their work.

    To qualify one MUST be computer literate with experience in current windows OS and preferably working in the field of data and information processing.

Course Duration and Fees

The course takes three - 3 full weeks and is offered in March, April & August every year. The tuition fee is seventy thousand shillings (KShs. 70,000 per week and is negotiable), excluding transport, meals and accommodation.

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RCM: Resource Use Conflicts Management

Course Objectives
    • To enable the participants to understand the relationship between resources use and conflicts, access and control, which could trigger conflicts.
    • To identify signs of potential conflicts and how to develop mitigating and coping mechanisms in order to avoid them.
    • To impart skills on conflict preparedness and post-conflict recovery management strategies.

Course Duration and Fees

The course takes two - 2 full weeks and is offered in March, April & August every year. sixty five thousand shillings (65,000/= per week and is negotiable) excluding transport, meals, and accommodation.

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